Saturday, January 24, 2015

TSU earning tips

I have been working on TSU for a couple of weeks and I have figured out a few tips for earning more money.  Most users just login, post some stuff, maybe like some other people post and hope they make some money.  The fact is you wont make much if any just doing this.  To earn more money on TSU you need to have a plan.

The number one thing you have to do to earn more money is to have people in your family tree.  The way to get more people in your family tree is to have them use your signup code.  My code is .  Without a good number of children in your tree you will never earn very much.

Now aside from gaining more children, posting the right stuff is important.  The best way to get money is by having people re-share your post.  People will not re-share your post unless it is something they are genuinely interested in.  So post things that are high quality and likely to be re-shared.  Funny photographs, inspirational quotes and helpful tips get shared a lot.

Gain friends and followers.  The more friends and followers you have, the more people will see your post and the more likely they will share the content.  Having random friends doesn't really help.  So don't just add everyone you see.  Search using hash tags that are related to you post.  If you post nature photographs find others that post and share other people's photographs and add them.  They will likely be interested in the types of things you post.

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